Aksesoris Kabel 24KV 250A

Zhejiang Enoch Electric Co., Ltd. duwe puluhan peralatan injeksi, peralatan campuran karet lan peralatan eksperimen kanggo Aksesoris Kabel 24KV 250A. Swara taun, thanks kanggo dhukungan lan katresnan saka pelanggan anyar lan lawas ing ngarep lan luar negeri, produk kita diekspor menyang Eropah lan Amerika, Timur Tengah, Asia Kidul lan Welasan liyane lan wilayah, nggawe gambar perusahaan apik lan reputasi. 24KV 250A Aksesoris Kabel Kekurangan dibandhingake kabel langsung splicing kalebu risiko medhot ing mbukak yen ora dikunci kanthi bener kanggo safety, cahya kabel uninsulated ends nalika pedhot, biaya tambahan, lan gumantung ing kawin konektor sing tepat kanggo jampel efektif. Kekuwatan pas uga penting kanggo nyegah voltase nelusuri ing permukaan.

Kanggo aksesoris kabel 24kV lan 250 amp, rekomendasi sing padha ditrapake kanggo aksesoris kabel 15-25kV, nanging kanthi sawetara beda kanggo tingkat voltase lan saiki sing luwih dhuwur. Produk utama kalebu: 24KV 400A Apparatus Bushing, 24KV 400A Konektor Siku, 24KV 250A Deadbreak Straight Connector, 24KV 250A Extended Apparatus Bushing karo Rok, 24KV 250A Apparatus Straight Bushing, 250K 250A Straight Connector, 250K Loading... Konektor Siku. Aplikasi umum Aksesoris Kabel 24KV 250A kalebu nyediakake persimpangan sing bisa dicopot kanggo generator lan trafo seluler 24kV, peralatan switchgear, sambungan sarana lan sistem distribusi daya akeh. Desain sikut migunani kanggo sambungan sing mbutuhake giliran 90 derajat.

Kanggo konektor sikut 24kV ing Aksesoris Kabel 24KV 250A yaiku konektor plug lan receptacle sing digunakake kanggo nyedhiyakake sambungan sing bisa dicopot antarane rong kabel daya 24kV, 400A. Dheweke duwe desain angled mungsuh konektor lurus. Zhejiang Enoch Electric Co., Ltd. 24KV 250A Kabel Aksesoris kasusun saka 24kV-dirating plug lan receptacle, karo plug gadhah sikut utawa 90-degree bend kanggo construction sawijining. Nalika dikawinake bebarengan, padha mbentuk sambungan awet lan terisolasi kanggo kabel voltase dhuwur. Fitur utama kalebu plug angled lan wadhah, pin guide kanggo alignment positif nalika kawin, keying utawa grounding pranata kanggo mesthekake cocog sing tepat antarane ends kabel disconnectable, titik test kapasitif kanggo deteksi voltase sadurunge de-energizing, lan bisa uga kalebu sisipan tambahan kanggo kontrol utawa grounding kontak. Insulasi sing tepat kanggo kabeh bagean sistem konektor kritis amarga ana bebaya 24kV. Konektor kudu dites kanggo standar kelas voltase dibutuhake kanggo safety lan kinerja. Instalasi lan nggunakake uga mbutuhake strictly tindakake prosedur safety voltase dhuwur amarga bebaya nemen. Pertimbangan pilihan kalebu kelas voltase (kudu 24kV), rating saiki (kudu nangani 400A), konfigurasi (siku vs lurus), syarat sealing lingkungan, kemampuan ngunci, biaya, reputasi merek lan standar sing cocog kanggo kinerja lan kepatuhan safety.
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24KV 400A Apparatus Bushing

24KV 400A Apparatus Bushing

Zhejiang ENOCH electric co.,ltd minangka pabrikan lan pemasok Alat Bushing 24KV 400A skala gedhe ing China. ENOCH 24KV 400A Apparatus Bushing wis setya kanggo nguber kualitas dhuwur, apik, ayu, produk anyar, prices produk Highly competitive lan kacepetan sumber, kualitas layanan sampurna.

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Konektor Siku 24KV 400A

Konektor Siku 24KV 400A

Zhejiang ENOCH electric co., ltd minangka produsen lan pemasok Konektor Siku 24KV 400A skala gedhe ing China. ENOCH 24KV 400A Siku Konektor duwe kauntungan rega apik lan nutupi paling saka Asia Tenggara lan pasar Amérika Kidul. ENOCH ngarepake dadi mitra jangka panjang ing China.

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24KV 250A Konektor Lurus Deadbreak

24KV 250A Konektor Lurus Deadbreak

Zhejiang ENOCH electric co., ltd minangka produsen lan pemasok Konektor Lurus Deadbreak 24KV 250A skala gedhe ing China. ENOCH 24KV 250A Deadbreak Lurus Konektor wis setya nguber kualitas dhuwur, apik, ayu, produk anyar, prices produk Highly competitive lan kacepetan sumber, kualitas layanan sampurna.

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24KV 250A Extended Apparatus Bushing karo Rok

24KV 250A Extended Apparatus Bushing karo Rok

Zhejiang ENOCH electric co., ltd minangka 24KV 250A Extended Apparatus Bushing kanthi pabrikan lan pemasok Rok ing China. ENOCH 24KV 250A Extended Apparatus Bushing karo Rok wis setya kanggo nguber kualitas dhuwur, apik, ayu, produk anyar, prices produk Highly competitive lan kacepetan sumber, kualitas layanan sampurna. Zhejiang ENOCH electric co., Ltd duwe pelanggan saka pasar domestik lan pasar jaban rangkah kanggo Bushing Apparatus Extended 24KV 250A karo Rok

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24KV 250A Apparatus Bushing

24KV 250A Apparatus Bushing

Zhejiang ENOCH electric co.,ltd minangka pabrikan lan pemasok Alat Bushing 24KV 250A skala gedhe ing China. ENOCH 24KV 250A Apparatus Bushing wis setya nguber kualitas dhuwur, apik, ayu, produk anyar, prices produk Highly competitive lan kacepetan sumber, kualitas layanan sampurna.

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24KV 250A Konektor Lurus

24KV 250A Konektor Lurus

Zhejiang ENOCH electric co.,ltd is a large-scale 24KV 250A Straight Connector manufacturer and supplier in China. ENOCH 24KV 250A Straight Connector has been committed to the pursuit of high quality, fine, beautiful, new products, highly competitive product prices and supply speed, perfect service quality.摘要: 24kV 250A Straight Connector is for connection of polymeric cable to transformers, switchgear, motors and other equipment with a premoulded separable connector for indoor and outdoor installations. The system voltage up to 24kV. The continuous current is 250A (300A overload for 8hours). The Zhejiang ENOCH electric co.,ltd 24KV 250A Straight Connector is a fully shielded and insulated termination for connecting underground cable to transformers, switchgear, and other apparatus equipped with deadbreak bushings, junctions, or other deadbreak connectors.The Enoch 24KV 250A Straight Connector meets all the requirements of EN-50180,EN-50181 & IEC 60502, and is fully interchangeable with competitor's products and mating products that meet EN-50180 & EN-50181. Zhejiang ENOCH electric co.,ltd has been committed to the pursuit of high quality, fine, beautiful, new products, The 24KV 250A Straight Connector owns highly competitive product prices and supply speed, perfect service quality, in order to achieve the state of As Good as It Gets. We support minimum order quantity and offer free trial of new products. Scientific management mode, sound quality control guarantees system ISO9001: 2000 and products circuit operation experience of the past 20 years. Make the 24KV 250A Straight Connector used widely in numerous projects. The 24KV 250A Straight Connector Provides a fully screened and fully submersible separable connection when mated with the proper bushing or plug. Built-in capacitive test point to determine the circuit status or install a fault indicator. No minimum phase clearance requirements. Mounting can be vertical, horizontal, or any angle in between. 24KV 250A Straight Connector Tests conducted in accordance with IEC 60502. Partial discharge minimum extinction voltage-20kV; AC 60Hz for 1min (kV crest)-54 kV Test Point Voltage Test. Product Specification and Ratings Overview Technical Specification Voltage Class 24kV AC for 5 Minutes 54kV Impulse withstand voltage 125kV Continuous operating current 250A Overload (8 hrs. Max.) 300A Short circuit withstand 1s 12.5kA All the parameters of the 24KV 250A Straight Connector are in conformity with the requirements and qualified. Product Features and Performance 24kV 250A Straight Connector provides a fully screened and fully submersible separable connection when mated with the proper bushing or plug. Long-term operation under water or other mal-conditions. The built-in capacitive test point to determine the circuit status or install a fault indicator. No minimum phase clearance requirements. Mounting can be vertical, horizontal, or any angle in between. Ordering Information The 24KV 250A Straight Connector are packaged in a heavy duty polyethylene bag Each Kit contains: 1 Standard 24KV 250A Straight Connector Body 2 Bi-Metal or Copper Compression Connector 3 Drag Hook (M4) 4 Dished Nut 5 Stainless Steel Bail Assembly 6 Silicone Lubricant 7 Installation Instruction sheet 8 Clean paper Please inform the sales staff of the Cable Ranges (Insulation Diameter) and the cross-sectional area of the conductor before purchasing. Cable Ranges (Insulation Diameter) Cable Range Code Inches Millimeters A 0.700-0.920 17.8-23.1 B 0.780-0.925 19.8-23.5 C 0.898-1.043 22.8-26.5 E 0.925-1.028 23.5-26.1 G 1.043-1.161 26.5-29.5 K 1.161-1.280 29.5-32.5 Conductor Code Table Conductor Code Concentric or Compressed Compact or Solid AWG or kcmil mm2 AWG or kcmil mm2 01 #6 - #4 - 02 #4 - #3 25 03 #3 25 #2 35 04 #2 35 #1 - 05 #1 - 1/0 50 06 1/0 50 2/0 70 07 2/0 70 3/0 95 08 3/0 95 4/0 - 09 4/0 - 250 120 10 250 120 300 - Product Structure and Detail 1. SEMICONDUCTING SHIELD. Precision molded peroxide cured semiconducting shield provides ground shield continuity and meets the requirements of IEEE Standard 592. 2. INSULATION LAYER. High quality peroxide cured EPDM Insulation is mixed and formulated in-house for complete control of rubber characteristics. 3. SEMICONDUCTING INSERT. Precision molded peroxide cured semiconducting insert provides corona-free electrostatic shielding of the compression connector. 4. PIN PROBE. Tin plated copper probe allows for dependable switching operations. 5. COMPRESSION CONNECTOR. Standard Bi-Metal, or optional Copper, compression connector is sized to ensure a cool running connection with maximum current transfer. 6. CAPACITIVE TEST POINT. Capacitive test point on molded T-Body with snap-on cap provides a shielded, hot stick operable means to determine circuit condition. 7. DRAIN WIRE TAB. Drain wire tabs provide a convenient point to connect drain wire to ensure grounding of the connector shield. 8. OPERATING INTERFACE. TypeA-250A interface as described by EN50180N and 50181. Product Qualification 1. Excellent quality Our 24KV 250A Straight Connector are tested by third party power labs according to IEC standards.The company has obtained ISO9000 quality system certification and environmental protection certification. 2.Professional services We have been doing advanced research in the field of24KV 250A Straight Connector manufacturing. In order to improve the quality and level of service, our personnel completed the QC training, and set up a special inspection department. 3.Powerful technology Zhejiang ENOCH electric co.,ltd have own factory and have 20 years experience in power connection. Our Service Besides our existing products, we can produce various products according to customers' drawings or samples. In the early stage, we will communicate with you in detail. After the product is confirmed, we will give the customer a sample of the goods before production. When the customer confirms, we will carry out production. If have any quality problems, we will solve it. Our aim is to be honest, have sincerity and promise, harmonious and altruistic,that is why the customers choose and believe us. FAQ Q1:Can you can design the connectors/bushings according to our size? A1:Yes Q2:If OEM is acceptable? A2:Yes Q3:Are you a trading company or a manufacturer? A3:We are a manufacturer. Q4:How long is your delivery time? A4:Base on the quantity. Q5:Where is your factory located? A5:Lishui city Zhejiang Province China.

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Henokh wis ngasilake Aksesoris Kabel 24KV 250A suwene pirang-pirang taun lan minangka salah sawijining produsen lan pemasok profesional Aksesoris Kabel 24KV 250A ing China. Pelanggan wareg karo produk lan layanan sing apik. Yen sampeyan kasengsem ing produk kita, kita bakal menehi rega marem lan nyedhiyani dhaftar rega. We Sincerely welcome pelanggan anyar lan lawas kanggo ngunjungi pabrik kita kanggo rembugan lan rembugan.
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